New York State Health Foundation

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    Funder Type

    Private Foundation

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    New York State Health Foundation


    The goal of the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth) is to support projects that have the potential to improve health at a regional or statewide level, particularly for the most vulnerable New Yorkers.

    NYSHealth awards grants in the following categories:

    1. Healthy Food, Healthy Lives - The overarching goal is to connect New Yorkers with the food they need to thrive. To achieve this goal, we focus on four strategies: (1) support healthy, more equitable food systems planning and capacity-building; (2) maximize nutrition benefit programs; (3) support healthier, culturally responsive food purchasing in public institutions; and (4) promote Food Is Medicine interventions.
    2. Primary Care - Our overarching goal is to expand, advance, and enhance primary care across New York State. To achieve this goal, we focus on three intersecting strategies, which will be shaped and refined as we move ahead: (1) expanding primary care access and capacity; (2) advancing racial health equity; and (3) strengthening the primary care workforce.
    3. Special Projects Fund- Grants through our Special Projects Fund allow us to support projects that address an important health care or public health issue in the State, but are outside of our targeted priority areas. Eligible projects are coordinated interventions that take place over a specified period of time to achieve quantifiable results.
    4. Veterans Health- The NYSHealth Initiative for Returning Veterans and Their Families seeks to underscore that the health care, mental health, and social services issues returning veterans and their families face are not solely military issues, but public and community health issues that should be addressed by local and national government agencies, community-based organizations, and health funders.

    History of Funding

    Previous grant recipients can be viewed at:

    Additional Information

    Funds may not be used for:

    • Projects that could be funded in priority areas of building healthy communities or improving transparency and affordability to empower consumers;
    • Projects that involve funding of ongoing services or activities similar to the normal activities under taken by an organization;
    • Core support/organizational infrastructure.
    • Projects that involve the purchase, installation, or upgrade of health information technology systems, including electronic medical records;
    • Projects that are biomedical research-oriented;
    • Projects that focus on lobbying or political activities; and
    • Capital expenses

    Tools and Guidlines for Grantees (note: must use NYSHealth Grantee Portal for report) -


    New York State Health Foundation Staff

    New York State Health Foundation Staff
    1385 Broadway 23rd Floor
    New York, NY 10018
    (212) 664-7656

  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants are existing nonprofit 501(c)(3) and for-profit organizations with a significant presence in New York state.

    Deadline Details

    NYSHealth regularly issues Request for Proposals (RFPs) for grants. If open RFPs are not a fit, explore our priority areas and reach out to the relevant program staff to discuss your ideas. (Deadlines-Not Specified)


    Priority Areas

    Important Dates and Deadlines

    LOI Due Date: March 4, 2025

    Full Proposal Invitation/LOI Declination Notification: April 2025

    Full Proposal Due Date?(invited applicants only): May 15, 2025

    Award/Declination Notification:?September 2025 

    Award Details

    Award amounts vary. Special Project Fund grants are typically in the $250,000 range.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Highlights of Grants to Manage and Expand Access to Health Data - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available
    • Funding for Healthcare Technology to Connect Providers and Patients - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Top 10 Local Grant Programs You Won't Want to Miss in 2015 - Sponsored by Sprint - Playback Available


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